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Price: $50.00
Manufacturer: KDI

The Compu-Cush/Car-Cush Orthopedic Cushion from the original "Tush Cush". Perfect for bucket or bench seat.

Scientifically designed to relieve and prevent back pain, numb buttocks and many discomforts associated with sitting by:
.. suspending the tailbone (coccyx) in the air which reduces the pressure on and within the lower spinal discs;
.. tipping the pelvis forward to help restore the spine's natural lumbar curve.
.. the cut-out section of the cushion allows comfort and relief of pain to other areas sensitive to sitting.

Recommended by doctors and healthcare professionals.

Velour cover is 100% washable.
Constructed of highly resilient polyurethane foam.
Color: black
Size: 13" x 16"  Wedge tapers from 3" in the back to 1" in the front

All "Tush Cush" Orthopedic Seat Cushions carry a one year limited warranty against defective workmanship and materials.


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